Understand these critical questions before scheduling a Tent Revival.
Why not just have service in the building? How is this different from other events? What can we expect? See: tentrevivalplanning.com/pre-event-questions
For this to be sucessfull, when should it be scheduled during the year? What role will the local leaders play? What is the service structure that week? See: tentrevivalplanning.com/pre-event-questions
These are some of the largest gospel tents in America, so where do we put them? Should they be on or off site? Are permits needed? See: tentrevivalplanning.com/pre-event-questions
Understand the expected costs before planning the largest revival your county has seen.
If this will be the greatest revival your city has ever seen, it will take a more concerted effort to market. Understand the associated costs. See: tentrevivalplanning.com/budget-%26-vision
People get behind the vision of the pastor. Learn the best way to transmit your burden and keep this revival in front of the church - generating incredible momentum. See: tentrevivalplanning.com/budget-%26-vision
People will support a clear vision for revival when it aligns with tangible growth. Understand how to raise sponsors and an army of volunteers for this event. See: tentrevivalplanning.com/budget-%26-vision
Understand the unique role you play in seeing a breakthrough in your city
The church will get behind the pastor's vision. Introduce this revival with a bang! What do you believe God is going to do?
How can you help to create momentum leading into the event? How can we streamline the calendar to maintain revival focus?
Understand how to lead from the front for an event of this size. Where do we need you? What can and cannot be delegated?
We share what has worked exponentially better
How many services should we have? What time of day? What days of the week? Find out what works and what doesn't!
What day does the tent arrive? What day is setup? What day is take down? What about mid-week service?
These events can go far beyond what you see in a regular service. We offer a few suggestions to enhance your effectiveness.
We have developed all of your essential promo resources and design templates
We have example flyer designs for your event. These are easily customizable by your team.
We have spent years developing and testing generic promotional videos for tent revival events.
We have hundreds of photos, collected from prior events, available to help promote your event.
Direct mailers are a critical resource for reaching high-income neighborhoods. How do you get started with mailers? How can you drastically drop the cost?
Do you know that a personal invitation is one of the most cost-effective forms of marketing? Learn how many flyers you will need and check out our free designs!
Yard signs are an extremely effective way to get in front of your community. Learn how many to order and how to distribute these!
After years of market testing, we have found a combination of invite videos that brings many guests. Social Media can account for over 90% of your first-time guests, when done right.
Tents aren't aren't the core to breakthrough - prayer and evangelism are. Prepare for revival with an emphasis on prayer.
Learn about the benefit of praying for this revival in every service leading up to the event.
Breakthrough is birthed out of a culture of personal prayer. Keep this center stage and experience a shift develop.
We want to invest in revival through additional prayer nights leading to the event. As the event comes closer, pray on the land itself!
There is no reaping without first sowing - consider a systematic outreach plan
There is a time to begin door hangers and evangelism that will be the most effective for your event.
If you aren't familiar with sending outreach teams through the city, we've got you covered.
Every event and setup is different - let's make sure you have all the equiptment you need!
Review the most common equipment needs for an event of this size. Much of this equipment we can bring for free.
These outdoor events are very well attended and highly vulnerable to security risks. Learn how to get equiptment and attendees safe.
We have instruments, sound equipment, and chairs under the tent, now what? Build a plan for overnight security.
Learn about the unique spiritual and practical challenges of large scale events
There are unique challenges as hundreds to thousand arrive to your event. Keep the crowd safe from the road to the tent.
Our parking team is the first contact with our visitors, let's get this right!
In most cases, we're going to need to get creative with parking this many cars, let's mark or rope off where we want them!
How can we best direct the flow of traffic for this number of people and cars?
Depending on the event, we might be able to provide sound systems and staff - let's talk through the main areas
What sound equipment do we need? What electricity would power this? When would we set it up?
When do we do sound check and music practice? After the nightly services, do we keep the sound system up or put it away each night?
To keep costs down, we will need your help to get the tent up
What is the best day to put up the tent? How many people will it take? How long will it take? Will we need power or equiptment?
At the end of revival, when do we take the tent down? How many people will it take?
As guest arrive, learn the best way to capture their demographics
How do we register our guests as they arrive? How do we get accurate information?
A small welcome gift can contextualize the registration process and connect people with the local church
We collect information a second time, at baptism. Learn how to best collect and use this information.
One of the most fragile areas of the revival is the worhsip. Learn what has been working across the country!
Learn how the worship team in the tent may differ from the team used in the building.
It is imperative to use the right service structure and songs to create an atmosphere for maximal faith, response, and involvement.
Learn how this unique environmant needs strong worship leading, pointed "ad-libbing," and clear invitations to respond.
Sond selection is so important we decided to give it it's own page!
Find all of our approved song lists and some example cord charts here.
When we started seeing hundreds baptizedm, things had to change.
Baptisms won't start at the end, they run the whole time. Learn how to achieve this in the least distracting manner.
We want to use multiple baptizers, often including husband/wife teams and our hyphen!
It's important that baptisms be exciting and effective. We want to see people filled and their family also take the next step.
These services are guided altar calls from the start to the ending. Learn how to be ask effective as possible
People will come ready for a miracle! Train your team to pray with people from very first note. This unique atmosphere will also allow the team to have discussions about baptism.
We want the church to feel empowered to pray with people. Always encourage 1). Repentence, 2). Worship, and 3). Faith
The service structure may need to change, but you can stay sensitive to God. Stay involved and be flexible.
Luckily gravity is on our side when the tent comes down, but we still need your help.
What is the best day to take down the tent? How many people will it take? How long will it take? Will we need power or equiptment?
Sometimes we can't control the weather. Learn about scenarios we may need to delay taking the tent down.
The goal of this event is to launch you into sustainable and lasting growth. We don't just want to win them, we want to keep them!
Hold on to their baptismal certificate until next Sunday, let's explain why.
Learn the most innovative ways to quickly build connections
This a great tool to transition the revival in the tent to revival in your building.
Messenger, Instagram, and even your Cell Phone can help retain these people!
The weekend following Tent Revival is a
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